Tuesday, January 16, 2018

What About Sunday?

Sometimes we take for granted what people do on Sunday.  To many people, Sunday is just another day of the week.  Sunday is a time to relax or play golf or catch up on work.  What does Sunday mean to you?  I do go to church on Sundays.  Since I teach school, I use Sundays to lesson plan or prepare for the next day.  I also use Sundays to catch up on graduate work.

I remember years ago reading a profile of a supermodel who said that Sunday always felt weird.  She didn't know what to do with that day.  That's why a lot of ministers have a television ministry.  They are trying to reach people who don't know what to do with Sunday.  Sunday is a good time to set aside to worship God.  You might as well practice because we will be doing it for eternity.  I teach students and over the years I have noticed that some go to church and some do not.  A lot of times friends will invite them or they attend with grandparents.

Let's teach children and adults about what they can do on Sundays. Sundays will help prepare them to be equipped for life. Many people say they volunteer on Sundays.  Even though Sunday is about worshipping God, it also helps the participant.  I often say that church is the best and cheapest form of therapy.  I don't have to go sit on a couch and spill the beans.  I can get on my knees at home and spill the beans to God.  I can spill the beans in church when I cry out to Him and pray.

There are also those in a church who have not fully surrendered to Christ.  They need the Holy Ghost who is a Comforter.  He will comfort the lonely and comfort those who grieve if you let Him.  He does a lot of other things as well.  He warns you when danger is near and gives you insight when you need it. He will even wake you up to make sure you don't miss church.   I have literally been pushed out of bed when I decided that I wasn't going to church or Sunday school.  He sometimes has to push Sunday school teachers out of bed.

What about Sunday? Go to a church this Sunday.  Tune in to a broadcast on TV.  Watch www.tbn.org or www.todcogic.org or whomever. Let's not forget about Sunday.   If you can't go to church on Sunday, another day will do.

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